About us

We guide you through the modern chaos with the healing power of sound. At My Soothed Soul, our purpose is to inspire and empower you to evolve into your highest version.


The Beginning

After the pandemic, I found myself at a crossroads, unsure of my path and yearning to make a difference in the world. Seeking inspiration, I journeyed to Asia, where I discovered the profound power of sound. There, amidst ancient wisdom and modern life, I learned about Tibetan singing bowls and their ability to heal the mind and body. Gathering my insights, I envisioned My Soothed Soul — a sanctuary offering inner peace and well-being through the transformative magic of sound. From my personal journey emerged a mission: to provide solace, harmony, and clarity to all who seek it.  


The Power Of Sounds

Scientific research confirms the remarkable healing power of sound on multiple levels. Physiologically, specific frequencies have been shown to trigger the release of endorphins, reduce stress hormones, and induce relaxation, bolstering the body's innate healing mechanisms. Emotionally and mentally, soothing sounds have been found to quiet the mind, ease anxiety, and uplift mood. Furthermore, sound has the ability to synchronize the body's energy centers, fostering equilibrium and vitality. In essence, the vibrational nature of sound facilitates profound healing, reinstating harmony across the mind, body, and soul.

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Your Journey

Feeling stressed and anxious? Having insomnia? Do you feel physical pain? High cholesterol? We invite you to join the journey of healing sounds. 15 minutes of healing sounds per day can help you to transform your life.

Start Your Journey